Saturday, March 19, 5:00pm - Big 12 Championships

Saturday Sample Feedings to support this new competition time

  • During the meet: fluid with electrolytes/salt and your regular snacks (be sure to have these frequently throughout the meet to keep energy levels up)

  • 5:00pm: meet time!

  • 3-4:30pm: carbohydrate rich snack, fluid with electrolytes/salt, small amount of protein and fat

  • 11:30am-12:30pm: lunch with higher carbohydrates, moderate protein and lower fat, fluid with electrolytes/salt

  • 8:00-9:00am: breakfast with higher carbohydrates, moderate protein and lower fat, fluid with electrolytes/salt

Friday’s eating schedule is extremely important to be able to “fill up” your carbohydrate gas tank and stay on top of your hydration for Saturday’s competition

  • 7:30-9:00pm: after dinner snack: small amount of carbohydrates and protein

  • 5:00-6:00pm: dinner with higher carbohydrates, moderate protein and fat, fluid with electrolytes/salt

  • 1:30-4:45pm practice

    • Have at least 2 higher carbohydrate snacks during practice with water and electrolytes/salt

  • 11:30am-12:30pm: lunch with higher carbohydrates, moderate protein and lower fat, fluid with electrolytes/salt

  • 9:30-10:30am: small snack, higher carbohydrates with lower protein and fat, fluid

  • 7:30-8:30am: breakfast with higher carbohydrates, moderate protein and lower fat, fluid

Tuesday-Thursday nutrition tips:

  1. Prioritize your sleep!

  2. Stay hydrated! You should be peeing about every 2 hours or so throughout the day.

  3. Eat your fruits and veggies to help control oxidation and inflammation going into the championships!

  4. Always try to combine protein whenever you eat a carbohydrate to optimize blood sugar to keep energy levels stable and brain functioning for exams high.

  5. Add spices to everything! The more the better so you can keep inflammation low this week.

  6. Eat salmon, walnuts and chia seeds whenever possible for the anti-inflammatory, Omega-3 fats.

  7. Start your day by having some carbohydrates, protein and fat. You need to fuel your brain this week just as much as your muscles so eat early in the day. Remember, we all wake up with a lower carbohydrate gas tank and we are dehydrated. We need to start re-feeding and re-hydrating as soon as we wake up!

  8. Text Bob whenever you need some nutrition guidance to optimize cognitive functioning and athletic performance!