Hard Copy Books



Metabolic efficiency Training: teaching the body to burn more fat

Teaching your body to burn more fat is possible!

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginning exerciser or a seasoned athlete, this book will teach you easy to implement nutrition and exercise strategies to support your optimal health, fitness, longevity and athletic performance-related goals, following a NON-DIET APPROACH.

The third edition has been UPDATED and ENHANCED, providing BRAND NEW CHAPTERS on nutrient timing and special topics, including plant-based eating, ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting, gastrointestinal (GI) distress, training the gut for high carbohydrate absorption, relative energy disorder in sport, metabolic efficiency training for young athletes and metabolic efficiency training for masters athletes.

There are also some AMAZING, eye-opening case studies so you can see the spectacular results others have had by adopting the metabolic efficiency training concept.

This new edition will provide very SPECIFIC nutrition and exercise recommendations that will teach you how to improve your ability to use your internal stores of fat for fuel, which means you will be a better “fat burner”!

231 pages. 2024. Hard copy. 24.95 + 4.95 shipping.

**Shipping is via USPS Media Mail and usually takes 6 - 10 days to arrive.

We do not ship internationally at this time.


sports nutrition for young triathletes

Young triathletes participate in three physically demanding sports.  Days often begin with before dawn training before school and finish with after school and evening practices before heading home to do homework.  Within this busy schedule is the need to nourish the young triathlete’s body to provide nutrients for growth, development and sport performance.

This book is the first of its kind as it focuses solely on young triathletes and progresses through the different developmental stages along with the different periodization cycles to teach young triathletes and their parents how to best navigate the sometimes confusing world of nutrition.  Feeding a young athlete is challenging but this book provides simple to use strategies that any young triathlete or their family can use when trying to plan daily and training nutrition strategies.

This book is based on Bob Seebohar’s Optimal Nutrition System, which guides the young triathlete through foundational eating, nutrition periodization and nutrient timing and supplement use.  It is the most comprehensive resource for any young triathlete, parent or coach and includes 22 easy to make recipes!

183 pages. 2014. Hard copy. 19.95 + 4.95 shipping.

We do not ship internationally at this time.

Sports Nutrition for Young Triathletes
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nutrition periodization for athletes

The second addition of Bob Seebohar's first groundbreaking book on Nutrition Periodization is heavily updated and revised to include a more comprehensive look at sports nutrition for all athletes, not just those who participate in endurance sports.

Added to this second addition is more on the complicated journey of weight loss in addition to how to implement nutrition periodization for a variety of athletes.

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performance nutrition: Applying the science of nutrient timing

Optimize training, enhance recovery, and improve performance with Performance Nutrition: Applying the Science of Nutrient Timing.

Based on the most current research on nutrient timing, Performance Nutrition blends theory with applied content and real-life examples to help nutritionists, athletes, and coaches design nutrition plans based on each athlete's individual needs and the specific demands of the sport.